The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) today announced the publication of detailed blockchain use cases for the telecommunications industry prepared by the EEA Telecom Special Interest Group (SIG). The document outlines the areas where blockchain technology, in combination with EEA standards, can speed up business transactions, improve internal operations, as well as allow for more frictionless business interactions across the global telecom sector.
The EEA Telecom Use Cases document represents several months of work by the group’s members, which include global telecom leaders known for both innovation and accelerating the adoption of new telecommunication technology and standards.
About Envision Blockchain Solutions
Envision Blockchain Solutions is a Blockchain Ledger Agnostic Systems Integrator. Our mission is to reshape and align today's Enterprise systems allowing organizations to recognize the new value in tomorrow's Industry Vertical Solutions. The management team has years of Fortune 500 experience and has built a team of subject matter experts in Blockchain and Business Transformation Processes and Technology. We focus on guiding organizations through 3 major milestones on their Blockchain journey: Use Case Analysis, Proof of Concept Development and Enterprise Scaled Deployments.